Friday, May 10, 2013

Flex Friday

First off I have a confession to make... :)

My name is Maggie, and I'm a flexaholic...

I like to flex in mirrors. It's a lot of fun.

So in honor of Flex Friday, which I will be doing every 2 weeks, I have a progress shot for you all! :)

It's not dramatic, but it's progress! :) I have more definition, less "wings", and holy shoulder coconut!!! Definitely proud of these bad boys!

BodyPump like usual annihilated me. It was wonderful! :)

I increased my weight on everything except legs/squats since I just did that on Tuesday.

Here's my stats:

Warm-up : 20lbs on bar

Squats : 45lbs on bar

Back : 35lbs on bar

Triceps : 35lbs on bar, 15lbs over head presses

Biceps : 10lbs dumbbells, switch to 8lbs halfway through track

Shoulders : 10lbs dumbbells for rear delt work, 8lbs dumbbells for side raise & mat raises, 20lbs on bar for overhead press

Lunges : 30lbs on bar, plus plyometrics at the end

Abs : 10lbs dumbbell for leg and overhead tri extensions.

If you haven't done BodyPump. DO IT!

Physical fitness is really easy to understand if you WANT to understand it.

To burn fat, you need muscle.

Muscle increases your metabolism.

Muscle is what burns fat.

You don't build muscle from just cardio. (GASP!)

You have to do weight lifting or resistance training to build fat burning muscle.

There is no easy way to build muscle, only hard work and dedication.

The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism, the higher calories and fat you burn.

Girls CANNOT get "too big" or "buff", unless you take testosterone!

Toning is a ridiculous word. You can't just "tone."

You become "tone" by building muscle and decreasing fat in your eating to decrease the amount of fat around the muscle you are building.

There are cleanses and wraps that you can do to "tone" and I believe in them whole heartily, but you must keep a healthy lifestyle to keep that progress.

On that note, I will be hosting a "IT Works: Wrap Party" sometime this month or next. This is not for me to lose weight but to tighten that awful mommy flap I have. And reduce the appearance of my stretch marks. :) If anyone is interested, in the Pensacola area, let me know! :)
Happy Mother's Day Weekend!
Don't let your husbands buy you chocolate!
'Cause you know if I get some I'll be finishing the whole box before Monday :)
Michaela's Momma

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