Today, I was going to write about my weekend. I was going to talk about runner's high and how good it feels to find something you love AND hate. I was going to reflect on the small things in my life.
But I changed my mind.
When I woke up from my nap with my sick little monkey, I checked my phone, like most of you do. I turned to Facebook to bring me out of my squinty, crusty eyed refresher nap. As soon as I started to read though, I wanted to cry.
Not only because America is falling apart at its core, its people, or because it scares me to think of "What's next?!", but because a celebrated day, a dream day of mine, has been turned into one of the saddest days of my life.
This hits home.
People who run marathons are DEVOTED runners. Running is their life. And waiting at the finish line are the people in whom they love. Mothers, fathers, daughters, & sons. And now some of those people are gone.
For what reason everyone is asking. That's what the focus is on mostly from the government. Which is good, I guess, someone has to take action. But in my house, as we watched the Newtown shootings unfold, all we can think of is those parents just lost their pride and joy, how long until the smoke clears, and they are able to grieve.
Where are we safe, though?
I'm not going to quote the Bible. I'm not going to bash "insane people." I'm not going to complain about the government for any reason.
Today, I'm going to hold my baby.
Crawl into my husband's arms, lay my head on his chest and just feel.
Eat dinner with everyone, together.
Appreciate every minute I have with them.
And I'm going to run.
Because that's how I think, heal, and grow.
Pray for Boston and the rest of America,
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