Monday, April 22, 2013

Positive Thoughts & Supportive People

You know what I really hate... Being SICK! It is the most unmotivating, boring, crappy thing ever to happen to anyone. But after a week and a half of my loves and I feeling poopy we are FINALLY in recovery!

I love seeing her 3 toothed smile :)
During our sick week my wonderful husband toughed through work and then came home and helped with Mickey girl. Since I had the worst of it, he took a little of the load off of me. LOVE HIM! :)
And that's what I want to write about today. Support groups.
When you finally set your mind on being healthy and fit you really need a group of people to support you throughout your trials.
Finding Positive People:
Sometimes these people are hard to find. But, like with everything else, when you face hardships you really find out who is there for YOU and who is just there.
At first, my husband made it difficult to start on my goals. But before you write him off as an awful human being, you have to understand this one fact! Most people fear change! I knew I was ready to throw out the junk food and devote my days to working out and becoming a stronger person, but Brant wasn't on the same page as me. (And for those of you that aren't married, not being on the same page ISN'T bad, it just means compromise!)  After a long day of his laborious job, he did not want to come home and chase Michaela, change diapers, and eat a plate of veggies. He wanted to relax, watch a movie, and eat junk! But after a week or two of my hardheaded-ness and him seeing that I was truly not going to give this up, he helped me. Now, he volunteers to watch the monkey, enjoys my healthy recipes, and loves that I have something I'm passionate about.
Of course, I had people who immediately supported me, like my dad, mom, sisters, and in-laws but their lifestyles didn't have to change because I was ready to change mine. Which leads me to my next point...
Moral vs. Physical Support:
Moral support may be the only thing that you think you need, until the going gets really tough.
I sometimes want a big juicy, greasy, fatty, cheesy burger. With a heaping side of deep fried french fries! Cue Physical Support! My husband is now my biggest helper when it comes to my lifestyle change. Instead of telling me how guilty I'll feel about eating crap he helps me by saying things like Why don't we split it? or  If you only eat half then you'll have room for some frozen yogurt. I know he doesn't realize that he's helping me anymore, but without him I don't think I could get through my cravings without scarfing it all down.
Now you're asking... How is this different from moral support? Moral support to me is the constant, You're doing great! Keep going! speeches or sayings. It may help you when you're a little down, but when it gets down to the nitty gritty the "physical support" is what you need. May it be with cravings or with watching your little one.
Negative People:
If you constantly are getting put down by someone, or they "don't see the point in you even trying" then throw 'em out of your life. YOU don't need that! No one does!
I personally have not had a problem with this. Probably because I stopped accepting behavior like that from anyone the second I started accepting myself. But I know that some people, if not most, struggle with this.
It's hard to start loving yourself. It's hard to accept your faults and actively correct them. It's hard to move past a negative filled lifestyle. But IT'S POSSIBLE!! :)
We all have them. You just have to be brave enough to fight them.
Being a strong person means living a life with weak moments. Find the support YOU need and be the person you WANT to be.
Happy Monday ALL!


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