Thursday, May 16, 2013

Thirsty Thursday

Hey y'all!

Spent my morning at the gym. (Big surprise)
Spin Class kicked my ass, so being crazy me I decided to do a quick ab and lower back workout afterwards.

I was almost finished with my workout and decided to do some more oblique work before calling it a day when I started feeling a pinch in my upper quad...


The last thing I need is injury!

I noticed that this only happens when I do a certain move/exercise.

I use 12lb dumbbells.
I absolutely love this move! So I tried it with zero weight and it continued to pinch. It felt like a nerve problem, but I have no idea.
My point is, no matter how much you love doing something, when you feel joint pain, nerve pain, or any kind of discomfort other than sore muscles, stop what you are doing immediately.
Injury is NEVER worth it.
I'm going to stop doing this move all together for at least a month and check back in with it :)
Enough about that! Why did I name this post THIRSTY THURSDAY?
This isn't a post about alcohol or parties. It's about my favorite drink.
Here's a quick quiz for ya!
1. When you have a headache what is the first thing you should do?
    a. drink caffeine
    b. take a Tylenol
    c. drink a tall glass of cold water
    d. take a nap
2. When you feel/look bloated what should you do?
   a. wear baggy clothes to hide it.
   b. drink tons of water.
   c. bitch and moan about how "fat" you look.
   d. drink caffeine to make you pee
3. What should you do when your lips are chapped and cracking?
   a. put on chap stick
   b. lick your lips
   c. drink lots of water
4. When you're feeling tired and sluggish?
a. take a long nap
b. complain about being tired.
c. drink caffeine.
d. drink water and eat fresh fruit.
5. When your feet and hands are cold?
a. wear thicker socks/gloves
b. turn up the heat
c. drink a cup of coffee
d. drink water and do a low intensity workout
I bet you scored 100% :)
Number One - One of the top causes for headaches is dehydration. We all know the proper way to hydrate is to drink water. I know, I've heard that caffeine clears headaches, but that is false (unless you're a coffee junky, trying to rid yourself of your addiction). Caffeinated beverages dehydrate you only making the headache worse! Next step is to get rest. :)
Number Two - Being bloated sucks! So if you spent your weekend chugging beers and alcohols then you'll probably be nurturing a pretty nasty hangover and dealing with your tummy fluff. Or if you're getting your monthly visit from Aunt Rosie... Drink lots of water. It flushes your system of impurities. :)
Number Three - Drink water. Period. Chap stick can actual dry your lips out worse, if not constantly applied. Water is the only sure thing used to hydrate your soup coolers. :)
Number Four - Yesterday I was awful at my water drinking, and the entire day I was sluggish, tired, and cranky. Today on the other hand I feel great and I've already drank over 70 ounces of water. If water just isn't doing it for you, eat some fresh fruit. It has natural sugars in it that give you lasting energy.
Number Five - Your ENTIRE body needs water. We are 70% made up of the stuff right?! Your circulatory system really needs it. You have to be hydrated for your body to work at 100% and that requires your blood to be flowing cleanly and without all the harmful things that we can pick up from pop and other artificial beverages. If after a ton of water, your feet and hands are still cold, do 5-10 jumping jacks. It'll jump start your heart a bit and get your blood flowing to the tips of your toes and fingers. :)
Drink water. Water. Water. and more WATER!!!
It's the BEST hydrator. It's zero calories, and it keeps your body looking and feeling great. It's important to our everyday life and survival.
I want to finish up by sharing my non-scale gains. Since I still am at 162.  :)
Changed my eating habits.
5 small meals a day instead of 3 large ones and 2-3 small snacks.
More definition immediately!
My inner thighs don't touch (when my feet are hip width apart). First time EVER!  
I feel full throughout the day.
I have less cravings.
Started chewing gum a lot and keeping on top of my water intake.
I have dimples now on both sides of my face, never has that ever happened before!
I'm happier throughtout the day and accomplish more!
In the words of the Special K Challenge... What will you gain when you lose?
And Nike... Just Do It.
Happy Thirsty Thursday!

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