Friday, May 24, 2013

Before Pics for 300 Challenge

My BEFORE the "300" 30 Day Challenge

This is what I'm looking for folks! You don't have to take all angles, but it's SO important to see progress on your BODY not the scale!

You may hate taking the before pictures, but you will love taking the afters. :)

ANY progress is good progress! :)

If you are joining us a little late (one day) :) Jump on the bandwagon and head over HERE to check out the 300 Ab challenge by The Petite Athleat.

I'm so excited to see every one's results if you're doing it with me!

Remember to eat low fat or fat free foods.

Stay away from pop and other bloating carbonated beverages!

AND do the challenge EVERYDAY! 15-20 mins y'all!

Have a great weekend everyone! This momma has to go get ready for her party tomorrow!!! :)
Mama Murphy

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Keepin' It Real

Okay y'all I've been awful. I'm behind on homework. Have been eating junk. Had a slightly peeved attitude. And all I want to do is squeeze my little monkey.

This last week, all I want to do, besides go to the gym, is be a mom. Even though I stay at home, take care of all the chores I can, play with Mickey girl, go to the gym, and try to teach her new things, I feel like I'm never doing ENOUGH.

Thus, the break in blogging. I would rather be with her. Not worrying about anything but that little monkey and all the fun things I could do with her.

It stinks! I feel stressed and pulled in a few too many directions. So if I don't blog a lot it's because I love my family, sanity, and life too much.

I will still do updates on Facebook and Instagram (@margaretmurphy), but if I don't write a post know I'm still busting ass at the gym, trying to get a handle on my eating, loving my family, and attempting to figure out what I'm gonna do with my career.

All at 19 years old. No excuses right?!

On an excited note, I got my hairs did last night by Mrs. Kara! She is awesome at her job and in general! :) (If anyone in the Pensacola area, or my family coming to visit, wants her mad skills LET ME KNOW!)

I'm a blonde. One step closer to being a full fledged beach bum! :)

Nearly ready for this weekend's Memorial Day Party! :)

Brant loves it, he's fine with anything I do to my hair as long as I don't cut it or fry it and it falls out... HA!

TIP: Use a heat protectant and moisturizer everyday! I use the Moraccan Oil (from Walmart) and the FrizzEase Thermal Protectant (WalMart). I also use the 3-minute Miracle from Aussie. Kara (my stylist) told me that I should do a deep conditioning treatment of Olive Oil or Coconut Oil. Leave it in for ten minutes and wash it out! Simple and NATURAL! :)

Workin IT!

Starting today I am doing a 30 day ab challenge called the "300". I am posting my flabby before pics tomorrow (maybe). I want everyone to join me!!! I would love to showcase some of you! So here's the deal...


2. Check out the moves.

3. Take BEFORE pics!

4. DO THE MOVES (takes 15 minutes)

5. Everyday! For 30 days.

6. Take after pics. Go to THIS PHOTO EDITOR SITE.

7. Do side by side photos and email them to me!!!

I will showcase EVERYONE who would like to be showcased! That means one SOLID post of before and after shots :) Everyone LOVES those.

What do you have to lose except INCHES! :)

Happy Busy Busy Thursday!!!
Flustered but HAPPY!

***Obviously this is not a workout that I created. I give full and complete credit to The Petit Athleat!***

Monday, May 20, 2013

Navy Federal 5k Recap!

I had an absolutely MARVELOUS weekend!


A lot of it goes to my husband, because he worked extremely hard all week, then....

Took me to MY favorite resturant, Olive Garden, to carb up.
Got me my favorite ice cream.
Woke up early on Saturday to cheer me on and take care of the little tyrant.
Took us all to the beach.
And Sunday spent all day at home devoted to his family and relaxing, only to round off the night taking me to pick out a movie at Redbox that I wanted to see...

He doesn't get enough credit. From anyone, including me. Even though we want to punch each other in the throats sometimes, we still have an enormous amount of love for one another, that I doubt could be paralleled.

I'll start with Friday night.

We made our way to Olive Garden, where I had the Spicy Shrimp Yummy Pasta. (Can't remember the last word. Started with a V.)

Light tomato sauce, spinach, shrimp, red peppers, tiny bit of bacon. Wasn't super spicy. New FAV!

Brant rolled his eyes when I took a picture of our food...

I only ate half and saved the rest for Saturday evening. YUMMY!

Then of course we stopped by Marble Slab and got some more yummies. Mickey got her first personal icecream from there, chocolate with rainbow sprinkles and marshmellows on top. We made a mess since we both eat chocolate like barbarians...

Brant is such a good photographer!

We shot home since she was on a very horrible sugar high and tired. Her and I jumped in the bubble bath. She quickly passed out, along with Daddy at 9:30.

And I started my race prep! :)

I layed out all that I would need.

Stretched long and slow.

And used a can of garbonzo beans to roll out my sore muscles since I don't have a foam roller.

I was asleep by 11:00ish, and up by 6:20.

Bright eyed and bushy tailed.

I ate my breakfast. A bagel thin with peanut butter and bananas. Drank my Pro-Sculpt. and packed everything into the car. I had to wake up Mickey and shove food in her face and we were out the door!

This race wasn't as crowded as McGuire's which was WONDERFUL!

There were about 500 people doing the walk and run.

Before the race. About 75-80 out.

We lined up at the start line and pretty much just started running. :)

I finished my first mile in 8:34. Which was a little fast for me. I was already dripping sweat and rocking out to I Miss the Misery by Halestorm. I replayed that over and over during miles 1 & 2.

I was at mile marker 2 at 17ish minutes which made me confident! But I could feel the pain starting in my side. I knew I had started too fast. I should have held back in the beginning a little.

I ran past Brant & Michaela at about 2.5 miles. She was hysterical after I ran past. That girl I tell ya.

I'm so hot in my compression socks :)

The rest of the race really hurt. I knew I started to fast. I knew I should of held back but I HAD to finish strong. So the last straight away, with the finish line in front of me, I did what any insane person would do, SPRINT.
About a quarter mile maybe a little less.
I sprinted.
Thought about crying since my side hurt so bad.
But didn't.
Then I saw my time. 26:25 was flashing infront of me.
So for the next couple seconds I cursed and ran harder.

My final time was 26:32. I had made my goal. And that was ALL that mattered!

We stayed for the awards and I was surprised I got FIRST in my age group! 15-19. There were only 8 in that group but I was okay with that!

She loves Kitty Cats and chased this one EVERYWHERE!

I got a nice little coffee travel mug.

This might have happened afterwards... Nonfat, sugar free, Mocha iced coffee from The Drowsy Poet. :) I was in LOVE with the straw :)

I thought about crying here too... I started my running at 45 minutes doing a 5k. In March I weighed 180lbs and ran it in 30:11. And just Saturday I ran it in 26:32. Almost 19 whole minutes shaved off, and over 45lbs gone.

Riding my high :)

Every run I do I feel a little bit of pain. An ache. A cramp. A pull. But when I feel that I push harder. Not just because I am confident what my body can do, but because I know what my body HAS done. I enjoy pushing the limits. Feeling my body give into my heart. And making the changes I need in order to live a happy and full life.

I've set new goals. I do every single day. Today my goal is to go through the day without complaining about anything. And tomorrow I'll set a new one. For running though, I plan on hitting a 24:00, 5k. That's my next goal. I'm giving myself 2 months to do it. Not just because I'm confident what my body can do, but because I know what my body has done.

Have a Happy Monday!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Surprise! TGIF! :)

Happy Friday Everyone!!!!

I am thrilled that it is FINALLY the weekend. This week has been a stressful one. Hubby's been working super hard, I've been mentally jacked by my Calculus II course, and Mickey had her bouts of whiney-ass.

But it's Friday! Which means it was BodyPump DAY!!!

Brant enjoyed (thought I was insane) when I did my happy dance this morning in my kick-butt tank from Ruffles With Love!

Coming to terms with the fact that I have the upper body of a linebacker and short legs with mean muscle :) Neanderthal? I think so.

Then he left for work and Short Stack and I headed to the gym to "play with the kids".

I tore it up, of course. In my head I did at least! :)

There is NO better feeling than sweat dripping from your elbows as you squat it out to some awesome music. Try it sometime!!!

After class I grabbed my granola bar and walked for 15 minutes, because this chick is running her SECOND 5k tomorrow!!! Woot! Woot!


I'm used to running 5k's now so I don't think I need a lot of race day prep, but here is a list of what I do do.

Night before:

Drink LOTS of water.

Eat a larger than my usual portion of CARBS.

Make the husband give me a massage. :)

Lay my clothes out for the race.

Stretch before bed.

Get EIGHT hours of sleep.

Race Day:

Eat a HEALTHY breakfast. With fruit, carbs, and protein.

Drink water like a fool!

Eat again 30 minutes before running.

Keep muscles warmed up by jogging in place, doing jumping jacks, running in circles.

PEE as close as you can to the start time! (no stopping to tinkle!)

Ignore the immediate race hype.

Set my pace. Set a goal.

During the Race:

Crank some tunes and jam out. :)

Drink when thirsty.

Focus on the horizon. AND a nice filling meal afterwards.

Check watch/phone occasionally. Don't get hung up on time.

My goal this race is to keep a 9 minute mile pace. Which is easy for me as long as I stay warm in the beginning. So that puts me at a goal of 25-27 minutes.

I never would have thought this girl still had so much farther she could go. Can't wait to see what I'll look like next year at this same race. :)

And to think I started at a 45 minute 5k in December. Moved onto a 30 minute 5k in March. And KNOW I can do a 27 minute 5k today.

You can do anything. All you have to do is start. :)
Have a happy, healthy weekend!!! :)
Wish me luck!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Thirsty Thursday

Hey y'all!

Spent my morning at the gym. (Big surprise)
Spin Class kicked my ass, so being crazy me I decided to do a quick ab and lower back workout afterwards.

I was almost finished with my workout and decided to do some more oblique work before calling it a day when I started feeling a pinch in my upper quad...


The last thing I need is injury!

I noticed that this only happens when I do a certain move/exercise.

I use 12lb dumbbells.
I absolutely love this move! So I tried it with zero weight and it continued to pinch. It felt like a nerve problem, but I have no idea.
My point is, no matter how much you love doing something, when you feel joint pain, nerve pain, or any kind of discomfort other than sore muscles, stop what you are doing immediately.
Injury is NEVER worth it.
I'm going to stop doing this move all together for at least a month and check back in with it :)
Enough about that! Why did I name this post THIRSTY THURSDAY?
This isn't a post about alcohol or parties. It's about my favorite drink.
Here's a quick quiz for ya!
1. When you have a headache what is the first thing you should do?
    a. drink caffeine
    b. take a Tylenol
    c. drink a tall glass of cold water
    d. take a nap
2. When you feel/look bloated what should you do?
   a. wear baggy clothes to hide it.
   b. drink tons of water.
   c. bitch and moan about how "fat" you look.
   d. drink caffeine to make you pee
3. What should you do when your lips are chapped and cracking?
   a. put on chap stick
   b. lick your lips
   c. drink lots of water
4. When you're feeling tired and sluggish?
a. take a long nap
b. complain about being tired.
c. drink caffeine.
d. drink water and eat fresh fruit.
5. When your feet and hands are cold?
a. wear thicker socks/gloves
b. turn up the heat
c. drink a cup of coffee
d. drink water and do a low intensity workout
I bet you scored 100% :)
Number One - One of the top causes for headaches is dehydration. We all know the proper way to hydrate is to drink water. I know, I've heard that caffeine clears headaches, but that is false (unless you're a coffee junky, trying to rid yourself of your addiction). Caffeinated beverages dehydrate you only making the headache worse! Next step is to get rest. :)
Number Two - Being bloated sucks! So if you spent your weekend chugging beers and alcohols then you'll probably be nurturing a pretty nasty hangover and dealing with your tummy fluff. Or if you're getting your monthly visit from Aunt Rosie... Drink lots of water. It flushes your system of impurities. :)
Number Three - Drink water. Period. Chap stick can actual dry your lips out worse, if not constantly applied. Water is the only sure thing used to hydrate your soup coolers. :)
Number Four - Yesterday I was awful at my water drinking, and the entire day I was sluggish, tired, and cranky. Today on the other hand I feel great and I've already drank over 70 ounces of water. If water just isn't doing it for you, eat some fresh fruit. It has natural sugars in it that give you lasting energy.
Number Five - Your ENTIRE body needs water. We are 70% made up of the stuff right?! Your circulatory system really needs it. You have to be hydrated for your body to work at 100% and that requires your blood to be flowing cleanly and without all the harmful things that we can pick up from pop and other artificial beverages. If after a ton of water, your feet and hands are still cold, do 5-10 jumping jacks. It'll jump start your heart a bit and get your blood flowing to the tips of your toes and fingers. :)
Drink water. Water. Water. and more WATER!!!
It's the BEST hydrator. It's zero calories, and it keeps your body looking and feeling great. It's important to our everyday life and survival.
I want to finish up by sharing my non-scale gains. Since I still am at 162.  :)
Changed my eating habits.
5 small meals a day instead of 3 large ones and 2-3 small snacks.
More definition immediately!
My inner thighs don't touch (when my feet are hip width apart). First time EVER!  
I feel full throughout the day.
I have less cravings.
Started chewing gum a lot and keeping on top of my water intake.
I have dimples now on both sides of my face, never has that ever happened before!
I'm happier throughtout the day and accomplish more!
In the words of the Special K Challenge... What will you gain when you lose?
And Nike... Just Do It.
Happy Thirsty Thursday!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Eb & Flow

Life is constantly changing. Always up and down, up and down. Therefore, life is sometimes scary, hectic, but awesome!

For the last couple weeks now, I've been rethinking my major.

For those of you who didn't know I am in college or what my major is, I attend online classes through DeVry University and am currently studying for my Bachelors in Electronic Engineering Technology with a specialization in Renewable Energy.

Renewable Energy. That is the only part, I recently discovered, that I like about my degree.

I started college when I was in a bad place. Emotionally. Physically. Mentally. I didn't understand that then, but I just wanted SOMETHING to do besides wipe baby butt and clean. I also didn't understand what I was going to be doing. At all. I know AWFUL idea Maggie!

Yesterday I officially decided to change my major. To put my education in a direction I will LOVE. Not just choose because I like the idea of something. :)

Of course, I still am undecided about what degree I want exactly, but I have an "idea". I know I want it to be in business, with people, with everyday challenges, and sometimes a little bit of chaos.

Sometimes I think I want to be in retail, as a store manager. Or selling products. Or promoting products. Work in an office where I have to think hard, stay busy, and run all over town doing errands. Open my own business. Maybe even, as crazy as it sounds, do some women's bodybuilding shows and promote products.

I want to use my ability to write, think for myself, and help inspire people.

I couldn't have made it to this point without health, fitness, and the mental and physical obstacles I've had to overcome to get to where I'm at. It's amazing what can happen when you FINALLY decide to do something! For me it was going for a run. :)

The girl I left behind to become the woman I am today.

This whole process has been a terrifying one. Realizing that you've moved on from who you once were and become completely different. Changed your ideas, thoughts, and dreams in what seems to be a blink of an eye.

It's worth it though. The worry. The restlessness. The upset. Because when you finally decide to change, you can feel it.

The weight lifts off your shoulders. Your heart is less heavy. Your thoughts are clear. And you can finally breathe again.

I achieved my epiphany while running. Listening to Halestroms, I Miss the Misery, and grunting to make my legs move faster. Beautiful picture painted!

When you make a change in your life that lifts your worry, clears your head, and betters you as a whole, you'll feel it. Really feel it.

And you'll know, "This is what I want to do. This is who I'm going to become."

Don't be afraid of change. Embrace it. Adapt. And conquer it.
Short and sweet. Life still is in an upheaval. I love you all and all the support you've given me. :)
Till Tomorrow,

Friday, May 10, 2013

Flex Friday

First off I have a confession to make... :)

My name is Maggie, and I'm a flexaholic...

I like to flex in mirrors. It's a lot of fun.

So in honor of Flex Friday, which I will be doing every 2 weeks, I have a progress shot for you all! :)

It's not dramatic, but it's progress! :) I have more definition, less "wings", and holy shoulder coconut!!! Definitely proud of these bad boys!

BodyPump like usual annihilated me. It was wonderful! :)

I increased my weight on everything except legs/squats since I just did that on Tuesday.

Here's my stats:

Warm-up : 20lbs on bar

Squats : 45lbs on bar

Back : 35lbs on bar

Triceps : 35lbs on bar, 15lbs over head presses

Biceps : 10lbs dumbbells, switch to 8lbs halfway through track

Shoulders : 10lbs dumbbells for rear delt work, 8lbs dumbbells for side raise & mat raises, 20lbs on bar for overhead press

Lunges : 30lbs on bar, plus plyometrics at the end

Abs : 10lbs dumbbell for leg and overhead tri extensions.

If you haven't done BodyPump. DO IT!

Physical fitness is really easy to understand if you WANT to understand it.

To burn fat, you need muscle.

Muscle increases your metabolism.

Muscle is what burns fat.

You don't build muscle from just cardio. (GASP!)

You have to do weight lifting or resistance training to build fat burning muscle.

There is no easy way to build muscle, only hard work and dedication.

The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism, the higher calories and fat you burn.

Girls CANNOT get "too big" or "buff", unless you take testosterone!

Toning is a ridiculous word. You can't just "tone."

You become "tone" by building muscle and decreasing fat in your eating to decrease the amount of fat around the muscle you are building.

There are cleanses and wraps that you can do to "tone" and I believe in them whole heartily, but you must keep a healthy lifestyle to keep that progress.

On that note, I will be hosting a "IT Works: Wrap Party" sometime this month or next. This is not for me to lose weight but to tighten that awful mommy flap I have. And reduce the appearance of my stretch marks. :) If anyone is interested, in the Pensacola area, let me know! :)
Happy Mother's Day Weekend!
Don't let your husbands buy you chocolate!
'Cause you know if I get some I'll be finishing the whole box before Monday :)
Michaela's Momma

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Staying Motivated

I haven't posted in days it feels like! I'm sorry for all the time we've spent apart! :) But Mickey girl was teething and yesterday my schedule was a little like this.... kfjdslakfkdsbvjwianfjk;safkl;dsafkl;dsaf. With a still whinny baby thrown in the mix.

But I'm back! :)

And have no clue what to write about. Confession: Most days I just wing it :)

Yesterday, though, I did my first EVER Step class. It was TONS of fun! Lots of energy and movement. And although I nearly killed myself a couple times tripping on the step, I have decided to make it my "Wednesday Class."
Try something new! It makes life a little more interesting! :)

Cutting new notches in my belt. :) Real progress!
I also met some new people at the gym which was FAB! I miss girl talk! With being a stay-at-home mom you get all of 10 seconds a day of decent conversation with the little one, which consists of me asking questions and Short Stack saying "yes."

Anyways, after telling a little bit of My Story, I was asked "Do you miss it?" in regards to donuts, ice cream, and junk. And without a second to think I said "No. Not at all." I surprised myself, but it's the truth.

I eat healthy now. I threw out the donuts, pop, and other junk and replaced it all with water, carrot sticks, and tons of hummus. And I feel good! Food is fuel not your friend :)

Was it hard?

Did I want to give up?
Not for one second.

On December 30th my thoughts, feelings, emotions all aligned. Something just "clicked" and I knew if I wanted to be happy, healthy, and hot. I would have to do it myself.

Lucky for me, I was raised with a NO QUITTING attitude. Lucky for me, I kept it. Even now I wonder how far I'll take my body before I feel complete, done. And I'm fearful of ever feeling finished.

That's the feeling that keeps me MOTIVATED. When it comes to your body, I don't think you can EVER be done. That makes me fearful too. Why? Because I'm a finisher. When I conquer something, I feel I'm done with it. That leaves me with many fleeting passions.

My body isn't a fleeting passion though, nor should yours be. We will all hit obstacles in our life. I may break a bone sometime (knock on wood), get ill, start a new job, or any other terrible thing that could happen. My body will slow down, become weak over time as I age, so I'll always have a challenge to face. All I have to say to that is "BRING IT ON!"

Staying motivated is a different battle for every single person.

My daughter.
My self-respect, worth, and esteem.
My future.
My life in the later years.
My past fatness.
My current state.
My progress.
My challenges.
My emotions.
My heart.
My health.
My inner and outer strength.
My life.

Everything is a motivator for me. It comes from inner strength that I have built while "pumping iron" and "pounding pavement."

Is a healthy lifestyle hard?

Will you want to give up?

Is it worth it?
Money can't buy happiness.

Will you get there?
I believe in you. I know you can get there.

I'm here for you. Whoever YOU are and whatever you need help with. Motivation, a pick me up, a brow beating. I can only do my best!

Keep motivated. Be strong. Always have hope. And beYOUtiful.


Showing off some Baby Chaela love :)

Check out my fav blog : Mama Laughlin

Check out my other super fav: Skinny Meg

Monday, May 6, 2013

Mom Butt to MILF Arse :)

Since I can remember, I have always believed that once you became a mom you got this ridiculously flat butt. Every mom I knew had them. EVERY SINGLE ONE! So I assumed that when I became a mom, the endless hours of labor would eventually flatten my arse until it could no longer recover.

But! No pun intended... There I was wrong! When I started working out I simply thought it was genetics and motherhood that eventually flattened your rear. Again, BUT, I was completely wrong. It's LACK of exercise!

Squats. Squats. Squats. Squats and more squats! Will revamp your backside like NO OTHER! Good bye saggy bottom and hello perky beach ass! :)

Every girl, woman, mom, and grandmother wants a perky butt. It's simple. It looks good! 

So today I bring to you my Mom Butt to MILF Arse workout... it's a simple at home workout ANYONE can do! :)



That's my workout for MILF (Mother In Love with Fitness) Monday's!
See ya tomorrow! :)
P.S. follow me on Instagram @margaretmurphy


Friday, May 3, 2013

Body Composition

Yesterday I obviously didn't post, because I was too busy LIVING :) Surprise dinner from the hubby and a late night at the gym.

I went to the gym last night about 45 mins before my BodyPump class started so that I could get my BMI (body mass index) and body fat percentage checked.

Mind you I went into this doing ABSOLUTELY NO research. Zero.

But I wanted to know what those darn numbers were after ~4 months and 40+ pounds!

I was more concerned with my body fat percentage then my BMI. I do not think that BMI is a good way to measure your health just because it focuses on only age, height, and weight, not on your body's composition.

Here were my stats:

Height - 5'5"

Weight - 164lbs

BMI - 27.4

Body Fat % - 27%

I was hoping for ANYTHING under 40%. Again I did this with zero research. When the instructor measured it he whispered it back to me, like it was something that no one else should hear. I may have thrown him off by smiling. :) Setting achievable goals is a definite confidence booster!

Then I worked out, tried to talk to the personal trainer director there, but I wasn't really getting anywhere with that other then maybe forking over a couple hundred to have him "help".

I am a firm believer in self-motivation. If you can motivate yourself then IT WILL LAST. But if you HAVE to have someone over your shoulder telling you to go harder or eat better then I don't think it will. (I know from experience. Volleyball.)

So, disappointed in the fact that I would have to figure it out myself, I headed home with a Monkey in tow. And did my research.

I found tons of charts online, they all varied in small ways, but this is a general idea:

That puts me in the Healthy Range. But this chart wasn't as thorough as I wanted so I found this one:

Now this is what I wanted to see! I was in the Average section. Good, but can be better. So my one of my new goals is to get down to 20%. I'm not sure how hard it will be, but I'll keep doing my research and my trial and errors and let everyone know! :)
This is another pic I found on the BuiltLean Digest website.
Another side note. Women need more fat than men. To simply function, we NEED it. For our monthly visits from Aunt Rosie and other womanly things, like boobs... :)
If you're setting a goal with your body fat %, keep that in mind. You and I will never be 4% bodyfat. Not unless we're 6 feet under.
Now to round out my post... A picture of me. HA!
The Left is in Illinois, before a night out (210+lbs). The right is from last weekend (165lbs). My husband smiles, but I like to think he only saves it for me, so get over it, you probably won't see it! ;)
I'll be back on Monday with a new workout! Not sure what I'm going to name it... Turning a butt into an ass... Mom butt to MILF butt... Butt to Badonkadonk...
I don't know, but now you know what body part we're focusing on!
Have a great weekend!
Michaela's Scratching Post

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Pre, During, & Post Workout

I know I have written about this before, but my eating habits change as often as my workouts. So here's a sneak peek into my the eating habits that have helped me get to where I am now!

Pre- Workout:


Toasted Bagel Thin w/ peanut butter and half a banana.

Complete breakfast. w/ Pro Sculpt energy drink.
I bought this at GNC. You can order it HERE! The guy in the store was EXTREMELY helpful! All I did was walk in, tell him what I kind of wanted, and he showed me the products and knew EVERYTHING about them. :)  I was looking for an healthier alternative to coffee and I definitely got it!

Pros: Wakes you up, energy lasts through entire workout, says it helps to create muscle definition and makes you burn a lot more calories.

                 After I started drinking this my body sweat A LOT more. My shirt is soaked after a hard cardio session. I just increased my water intake during workouts to make sure I didn't even come close to dehydrating.

Cons: Taste is NOT appealing.

              I got the Blue Raspberry Flavor. They also have a Fruit Punch that I will be trying next time. I increased the amount of water it calls for and added ice to dilute the flavor more. Definitely more bearable.

I eat about 30 minutes after I get up and drink the Pro-Sculpt on the way to the gym and finish it at the start of my workout.


This is when water is SUPER important. It's one of the KEY ELEMENTS to a good, effective workout. (The other elements are breathing and form, but that's another post all in itself!)

I usually drink around 32 ounces of water during my workout. More if I really go hard on he cardio. I often make sure my bottle is completely full before heading to spinning class, the treadmill, the stair stepper, or the elliptical. All the cardio machines.

When I do my weightlifting there is often times when cardio segments get worked in so I stay hydrated always. I try NOT to get thirsty. That way my body doesn't waste time and energy on reminding me to drink more!

Since my exercises has increased in intensity, I've started getting hungry about 10-15 minutes before I'm finished. This means I'll have to find something to help out with that. Like GU. What long distance runners use. :)


Protein. Protein. Protein!

The first thing I do, after getting Michaela down for her nap, is make a protein shake. I used to just use Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk and some protein powder, but I got bored with that AND realized I NEEDED more calories after a long workout. Now I make fruit protein shakes.

Just recently I found nice little smoothie packets at WalMart. I throw half a packet in, a scoop of Vanilla Whey Protein (26g), about 1/4 cup of my almond milk, and a 1/4 cup of Calcium enriched Orange Juice. Can you say YUMMMMM!!! :)

This smoothie is my Purple People Eater. It's all blackberries and blueberries and guaranteed to turn anything it touches purple. Including Children! ;)
She's awesome :) and Purple.

I have only tried 2 different ones so far but I definitely recommend the Jamba Strawberries Wild ($1.98 for 2 smoothies). It's DELISH! and cheap!

I drink that while eating my lunch. Which now consists of; Natures Own Whole Wheat sandwich Thins, Sabra Roasted Red Pepper Hummus (as the spread), and any kind of turkey or chicken we have at the time. Also, I have been bad and having a half serving of corn tortilla chips and more hummus. :) The entire meal excluding the shake is under 400 calories and I'm full until snack time.

I eat every 3-5 hours. EXCEPT after dinner. I brush my teeth and chug ice water like it's no body's business!

As everyone most likely saw on Facebook, this last weekend I was fortunate enough to go shopping!!! Like in the mall. Brand spanking new stuff! I do not do this very often. One, because I HATE retail markups, and Two, because I'd rather spend money on food. True STORY!
But Brant, his mom, the monkey, and I all went to the mall and got what we WANTED, not needed. It was wonderful. And won't happen again for awhile, because again, we hate markups and love really good food.
This is my loot:
I spent most of the time at the Mall in Victoria Secret. I absolutely love it there. It's a girls paradise. :)
I got fitted. And of course my size changed, since I've lost weight. Before I was a 38C, now I'm a 36D. I don't know how that works but the 38C was too big and the 36D fits PERFECTLY.
The ladies there were very attentive and thorough. They made sure it fit correctly, was comfortable, and looked great! They also explained how to properly care for your bra.
I also bought my swim suit there. I felt like a mermaid in it. I definitely think it's the color. Not that I'm insane. :)
The total for the Dream Angels Push-Up and the suit was around $145. My last VS bra lasted 2 years at least and is still comfortable and usable. The elastic is just a little worn. :)
Then I headed into Cotton On. It's an ALL cotton store. I wasn't too impressed with the store, since they didn't have bright summer colors, but I got those 2 pair of sunglasses for $10 total! :) Score!
Obviously my favorite colors are aqua blue and white.
Well that's all for now folks! See ya tomorrow! :)